These are the links to all the post on this blog. This is to make it easier for the reader and me to find old articles.
- ▼ 2018 (37)
- ▼ March (15)
- Interesting Readings 26 March 2018
- Interesting Readings 23 March 2018
- Interesting Readings 21 March 2019
- Interesting Readings 20 March 2018
- Interesting Readings 19 March 2018
- Interesting Readings 16 March 2018
- Interesting Readings 15 March 2018
- Interesting Reading 14 March 2018
- Interesting Readings 13 March 2018
- Interesting Readings 12 March 2018
- Interesting Readings 09 March 2018
- Interesting readings 08 March 2018
- Interesting Readings 07 March 2018
- Interesting Readings 02-March-2018
- Interesting Readings 01March2018
- ▼ March (15)
- ▼ 2017 (24)
- ▼ February (10)
- Black Money - Shell Company game
- RBI minutes of meeting - Was RBI unanimous in its ...
- Tax as a destabilising force - Border Adjustment Tax
- Why is the current easy-monetary policy ineffective?
- Should democracies reclaim power over production o...
- Unmanufacturing Revolution - Is it the future?
- Is India still rising?
- Demonetisation: Penalty of equal amount on cash tr...
- World War 3 watch 02 - Gorbachev thinks World is h...
- Journalism 05: The Journalism Process
- ▼ January (7)
- Journalism 04 - All journalists need to watch the ...
- Journalism 03 - Arianna Huffington on the media
- Future Work 01 - Work not education makes people d...
- World War 3 watch 01 - Some developments
- Journalism 02 - Key Events in history of Journalism
- Journalism 01 - What is journalism?
- Tax Reform 2 - Designing Tax system
- ▼ February (10)
- ▼ 2016 (31)
- ▼ December (8)
- Tax reform - Introduction to the new series
- Demonetisation - The leap-frogging mobile banking ...
- Demonetisation - Rant about media
- Demonetisation - What was the targeted black money...
- Demonetisation - Can anaesthesia cure the cancer?
- Demonetisation - What if deposits in banks are gre...
- My Response to comments on Idiotic debate on Demon...
- Idiotic debate on Demonetization
- ▼ October (7)
- Steel Industry Historical Geographical Shifts
- Why does Lloyd Blankfein's interview with Fareed Z...
- What should Twitter be?
- Can MTNL and BSNL be salvaged?
- Geographical Shifts in Ship Building Industry
- Counter intuitive = Low rates / ZIRP/NIRP policies...
- Destabilised Eurasia and possibility of War - The ...
- ▼ August (10)
- Why are taxes so complicated?
- Dollar, the International Currency system and the ...
- Capitalism V Democracy - Yanis Varoufakis
- Reorienting Singapore - Ideas for a Future Economy
- Why is resolving Non-Performing Loans (NPL) is so ...
- Should banks create money?
- What should governments spend on when faced with f...
- Is assessment of risk a function of interest rate?
- Of Free drinks and negative interest rate policy...
- Free Trade - or no free Trade - either ways it ain...
- ▼ December (8)
- ▼ 2012 (57)
- ▼ August (10)
- Taxes vs. Penalties
- The waning of Society
- Automation and implication for employees
- Why your firm cannot innovate?
- Agricultural income vs. Industrial income
- Some ways promoters withdraw money from their comp...
- Operational vs Financial leverage
- Growth creating complexity?
- How Low interest rate can be bad for small business
- Rant - Keynes is medicine - not food
- ▼ July (19)
- Tear all organization charts?
- Dow Jones Industrial Average since 1900
- Understanding Car dealers
- Non-choice in next US presidential elections
- Growth is not profitable?
- Global Public Debt
- The story behind "Understanding Firms"
- My second book Free on Kindle - Friday and Saturda...
- Free on Kindle - Friday and Saturday only
- Trouble with Mergers
- Helping Social media and Web consultants price better
- Free download: Subverting Capitalism and Democracy
- Problems with boss?
- Keynes returning?
- Combining managerial and economic theory of firm
- Combining Managerial and Economic theory of the Firm
- Understand Firms - A Manager's Model of the Firm
- My book: Understanding Firms
- LIBOR and US Dollar
- ▼ August (10)
- ▼ 2011 (73)
- ▼ June (15)
- My cartoon about Greek situation
- Curbing the exuberance in oil (& commodity) prices
- The June uptick in Indian markets
- Of nations and states - can we impose president's ...
- What spooked the Indian markets yesterday?
- Of nations and states - issues of democracy and ec...
- Is QE-5 a possibility? (huh?)
- Smphony Orchestras and consumption baskets
- Real Estate forecast - I told you so edition
- Investments in India - building long term advantage
- How Low interest rates create mal-investment?
- Greece and the labors of Hercules
- Mechanics of Asset Bubbles
- Austerity not a medicine for all occasions
- Geoffrey West on corporation and cities
- ▼ June (15)
- ▼ 2010 (60)
- ▼ October (8)
- Are Trade and currency openness complementary?
- Why some imbalances are more important than others?
- Comeptitive devaluations - Krugman, Sumner and Ygl...
- Forecasting equity prices in turbulent times
- The Foreclosure Mess and justice
- Why foreign funds are preferring EM banks?
- Fighting the Currency War
- Tax reforms - Ezra Klein makes a valid suggestion
- ▼ July (11)
- Small and ineffective stimulus in 2007-2009
- Comment on Sumner's article on Reallocation to hou...
- The Problem of Regulation
- Real Estate Mortgage problem and deflation
- Healthcare and Pension - Unkept Promises?
- Measuring real value
- How much is real estate as a percentage of total a...
- Retaining US jobs
- Krugman, Ferguson and/on Zakaria
- Austerity vs. Stimulus
- Value of Gold relative to financial assets
- ▼ October (8)
- ▼ 2009 (60)
- ▼ March (11)
- Global Slowdown Solutions V: Global Crisis - first...
- Selling Tata Nano to US
- Global Slowdown Solutions IV: Create earnings cred...
- Global Meltdown Solution Part III: Alternate credi...
- Global Meltdown solutions Part II: Dispersion of p...
- Global Meltdown solution Part I: Consumption centers
- Global Meltdown solution - Introduction
- Defer the US debt!
- Which country comes out of slowdown earlier?
- Worst Recession ever!
- Personal and Government indebtedness
- ▼ March (11)
- ▼ 2008 (55)
- ▼ November (9)
- Great Depression, China, US, War, defaults and oth...
- Soverign Wealth accumulation and wealth dispersion...
- Financial Crisis - Moving Towards a solution
- The Core of the organisation - the Honda story
- Are the store-shelves empty?
- The Chinese Dilemma!
- We were warned!!
- Interesting reading about China
- "Commodities as Anti-Dollar"?
- ▼ October (12)
- The economics of labour market intermediation | vo...
- Banks need to stop hoarding money - or should they?
- Development 2.0 is gathering steam
- USD strength is an opportunity!
- Short Selling
- Country defaults lighting the Forex fuse?
- Financial Crisis - Goes regional, triggers a real ...
- Depression 2.0 dilemma - Inflation, deflation, cap...
- LEssons for Poverty alleviation - The economics of...
- Getting over Lehman
- Solving the Poverty problem
- Yves and Megan - A class act!
- ▼ November (9)
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